Tuesday, September 1, 2009

On Location for a High School Senior Portrait

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to photograph a very interesting high school senior. Since I am the "Studio Without Walls" I went to his home for the session. We worked both indoors and out. We did images with his dogs in the backyard. I set up my portrait set in his front hall to create more portraits on a painted background. As I was walking in and out of his house, I noticed this little area with the concrete wall. The light was perfect! He was in the house changing into his tennis gear for a portrait on the painted background. I asked him to come outdoors for a couple after we did the ones indoors. Here is one of the images we got. It is exciting to me to work with all the potential of creating beautiful images like this. Shooting on location not only affords a no ending supply of brand new sets and creativity, but it is also more personal to the subject.

This is the house Brooks grew up in. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

  1. Love this photo great light!

